Streaming: Good News or Bad News?

by | Oct 28, 2020

Streaming music is rising in popularity, but is it actually a good idea?


  • Music is easily accessible
  • Streamed songs tend to have better sound quality than CDs
  • Streaming services offer a large variety of things to listen to all at your disposal
  • Streaming makes people aware of new music
  • New artists have a better chance of being discovered


  • Subscribers don’t actually own the music they put into their playlists
  • Big corporate entities and tech companies are the only ones who profit off of streaming, the artist does not earn much from the music they put on streaming services
  • Music that is streamed cannot be digitally reproduced
  • “Free” services usually have hidden fees, pay more get more
  • Overabundance of new artists may make it harder to get recognized