Home Recording

by | Oct 28, 2020

In the last few years artists have been branching out form the old school methods of recording and producing music, and are inventing new ways to get their sound out into the world. Typically artists need to go into a recording studio, which can be hassle, trying to find a studio, looking for affordable prices, and then trying to cram in everything that needs to be recorded within that allotted amount of time. Artists now are looking towards simpler and cheaper methods of recording, especially now with the Coronavirus making it difficult to get recoding time in studios, artists are getting more inventive in capturing their sounds.

The set-up is simple. All you need is a computer, a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), an interface, some cables, and the instruments of your choice. For some, this set-up can be simplified even more to fit your needs but this is pretty much the basics for good quality home recording. This makes it financially more plausible, a few hundred dollars for equipment that you are going to use over and over again, versus studio time that is minute by minute pressure to get things done. Having your own tools at home makes the recording process more relaxed, there is no pressure to fit everything in a certain time slot, and you are able to take the time to perfect everything right there in your own home.

At home recording is perfect for those artists who are just starting out. It is a simpler alternative to recording in a studio and it helps the artists take the time they need to develop their craft and their sound so that they are ready when they make it into the spotlight. A perfect example is Billie Eilish and Finneas O’Connell. They started out and continue to write and record their own music in their childhood home. Together, the two fo them have won 11 Grammy Awards total after attending the 2020 Awards show, which was their first Grammy awards show ever.

